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Men's Health

Premier Primary Care

Internal Medicine & Pediatrics located in New Albany, IN

For a thorough review of health issues affecting men, including appropriate screenings and exams, visit Premier Primary Care in New Albany, Indiana. Internal medicine specialist Dr. Suresh Lohano paved the way for our team to provide exceptional and experienced care for men's health concerns. Taylor Thomas, APRN, and Kavita Lohano, PA-c offer comprehensive men’s health care to treat any conditions and prevent health complications. Call today to schedule an appointment or use the online tool to receive thorough, patient-centered men’s health care.

Men's Health Q&A

What is included in men’s health services?

Men’s health services include basic screenings appropriate to both sexes, including blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol tests. Men’s health also focuses on male-specific health-related medical issues like erectile dysfunction, prostate concerns, and low testosterone. 

Well-male visits, which are annual exams that include a comprehensive physical and review of any changes in your health, are preventive measures valuable to your long-term health. 

Premier Primary Care provides all age-appropriate men’s health screenings.

Why should I seek specialized men’s health care?

Men often report feeling fine, but that feeling doesn’t always reflect the state of their health. Many underlying conditions common in men, like hypertension and type 2 diabetes, have no outward symptoms but can have devastating complications if they go untreated. 

By monitoring your health regularly, the team at Premier Primary Care can catch changes that may indicate a problem and prevent a major health crisis. 

As a man, having a regular primary care physician also gives you a trusted health advisor who you can consult when you have symptoms or a sensitive concern, such as questions about your sexual health or testosterone levels. 

What are some chronic men’s health conditions?

Management of chronic conditions helps prevent serious complications and helps you live the healthiest life possible. At Premier Primary Care, the team can manage the following men’s health conditions: 

Prostate concerns

Premier Primary Care conducts a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test to measure the levels of a specific protein in your blood. The information gathered during this test helps the team detect any abnormalities, including prostate cancer. 

If you have a concerning result, the team can refer you to a qualified prostate specialist and coordinate your care. 


You won’t notice symptoms of high blood pressure until you reach a hypertensive crisis, but high blood pressure silently causes damage to many of your organs and notably raises your risk of heart disease and stroke. 

The team at Premier Primary Care keeps tabs on your blood pressure levels and offers medications and lifestyle recommendations to help you manage the condition. 

High cholesterol

High cholesterol and hyperlipidemia mean you have high levels of fat in your blood. These conditions can lead to blockages in your blood vessels that cause a heart attack or stroke.

At your men’s health appointments, the team at Premier Primary Care orders blood tests to measure your cholesterol and lipids. If you have high levels, medications and lifestyle changes can help. 

Type 2 diabetes

Premier Primary Care offers regular glucose (blood sugar) testing to detect type 2 diabetes or determine if you’re at risk of developing diabetes. The team can help you manage diabetes with medications, lifestyle changes, and regular care. 

Erectile Dysfunction

More than half of men experience erectile dysfunction (ED) by the age of 50. While there are many different causes of ED, in most cases, erectile dysfunction is treatable. The team at Premier Primary Care can help you uncover the cause of your ED and provide treatment options that are right for you.  

Premier Primary Care provides the support you need to maintain optimal men’s health. Call the office to make an appointment or use the convenient online booking tool today.